Schema Hooks

To run custom Solidity code when an attestation is created or revoked, you will need to use a Schema Hook. Schema hooks enable schema creators to add whitelists, take payments, and write any custom application logic which will be called from Sign Protocol's smart contract. Any reverts in the schema hook will revert the entire call, allowing schema builders to control attestation creation and revocation logic.


Schema hooks must conform to the ISPHook interface, which can be found here.


The following example implements a basic whitelist schema hook. The owner of the WhitelistManager contract can add or remove user addresses on the whitelist. The WhitelistHook contract will be called when attestations are created and revoked.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;

import { Ownable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/interfaces/IERC20.sol";
import { ISPHook } from "@ethsign/sign-protocol-evm/src/interfaces/ISPHook.sol";

// @dev This contract manages the whitelist. We are separating the whitelist logic from the hook to make things easier
// to read.
contract WhitelistMananger is Ownable {
    mapping(address attester => bool allowed) public whitelist;

    error UnauthorizedAttester();

    constructor() Ownable(_msgSender()) { }

    function setWhitelist(address attester, bool allowed) external onlyOwner {
        whitelist[attester] = allowed;

    function _checkAttesterWhitelistStatus(address attester) internal view {
        // solhint-disable-next-line custom-errors
        require(whitelist[attester], UnauthorizedAttester());

// @dev This contract implements the actual schema hook.
contract WhitelistHook is ISPHook, WhitelistMananger {
    function didReceiveAttestation(
        address attester,
        uint64, // schemaId
        uint64, // attestationId
        bytes calldata // extraData

    function didReceiveAttestation(
        address attester,
        uint64, // schemaId
        uint64, // attestationId
        IERC20, // resolverFeeERC20Token
        uint256, // resolverFeeERC20Amount
        bytes calldata // extraData

    function didReceiveRevocation(
        address attester,
        uint64, // schemaId
        uint64, // attestationId
        bytes calldata // extraData

    function didReceiveRevocation(
        address attester,
        uint64, // schemaId
        uint64, // attestationId
        IERC20, // resolverFeeERC20Token
        uint256, // resolverFeeERC20Amount
        bytes calldata // extraData

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